The reFund NC network connects families with tax dollars. Because every extra dollar is a food dollar.
THANK YOU to our 2022 outreach partners.
Together, we helped connect thousands of North Carolina families with tax benefits through
2,485 accepted applications
$7,690,030 headed to NC families
Read the full impact report
After seeing the impact of our 2022 tax credit outreach, we’re hooked!
Meals4Families has partnered with Pisgah Legal Services, MDC, and the NC Budget and Tax Center to co-found the new NC Tax Credit Coalition. Our goal is to connect more North Carolinians with the federal and state tax credits that we know provide crucial economic support for NC families.
Join us as part of the NC Tax Credit Coalition
Our mission:
The North Carolina Tax Credit Coalition will better the tax system and increase economic mobility for NC taxpayers through collaboration, coordination, and resource-sharing.
We envision:
1. Increased coordination and collaboration between tax and economic mobility stakeholders
2. Decreased poverty and economic insecurity through increased uptake in tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, among others.
3. Better coordinated advocacy agenda for tax credits and tax preparation with a well-connected coalition of champions to advance these policies
4. Increased use of free and accessible tax preparation for more North Carolinians
Our coalition members are people who live and/or work in North Carolina who are:
1. Organizational leaders whose work overlaps with tax preparation and tax credits
2. Organizations working on economic mobility and security
3. Grassroots leaders interested in economic mobility and security
4. Academics specializing in tax policy and other income supports
5. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program stakeholders